<% const level_show=141 nn=request.QueryString("nID") nc=alert_back("news_id",nn,"mo") nt=alert_back("news_list_class",nn,"mo") if nc<>"" and nt<>"" then nID=nc catID=nt minID=conn.execute("select top 1 news_id from news where cat_id="&catID&" order by news_id")(0) maxID=conn.execute("select top 1 news_id from news where cat_id="&catID&" order by news_id desc")(0) if (maxID+1)>nID then curID=conn.execute("select top 1 news_id from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id="&nID&"")(0) nextID=conn.execute("select top 1 news_id from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id > "&curID&" order by news_id")(0) nextName=conn.execute("select top 1 news_title from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id > "&curID&" order by news_id")(0) preID=conn.execute("select top 1 news_id from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id < "&curID&" order by news_id desc")(0) preName=conn.execute("select top 1 news_title from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id < "&curID&" order by news_id desc")(0) conn.execute("update news set news_count=news_count+1 where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id="&curID&"") pCount=conn.execute("select top 1 news_count from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id="&curID&"")(0) pTitle=conn.execute("select top 1 news_title from news where cat_id="&catID&" and news_id="&curID&"")(0) catName=conn.execute("select top 1 cat_name from newcat where cat_id="&catID&"")(0) pDate=conn.execute("select top 1 format(news_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as nDate from news where news_id="&curID&"")(0) p_Key=conn.execute("select top 1 news_keyword from news where news_id="&curID&"")(0) p_Sec=conn.execute("select top 1 news_author from news where news_id="&curID&"")(0) pCent=conn.execute("select top 1 news_content from news where news_id="&curID&"")(0) end if else call alert_info("非法操作!","mo") end if %> <%=pTitle%> - <%=webname%> <% if p_Key<>"" then %> <% else %> <% end if %> <% if p_Sec<>"" then %> <% else %> <% end if %>





  • <%=pCent%>
